A dedicated partner helping to improve the lives of people affected by type 1 diabetes.
For over 22 years, Abbott’s investment in and commitment to JDRF has unquestionably impacted the lives of the more than 300,000 Canadians living with type 1 diabetes and their families. A key supporter of JDRF’s fundraising events, essential programming, and advocacy work, when 2020 presented the need for innovation, Abbott was there.
Both our flagship fundraising events had to pivot to virtual because of the COVID-19 pandemic. A long-standing national sponsor of our Sun Life Ride to Defeat Diabetes, Abbott did not hesitate to step forward to also support the Sun Life Walk to Cure Diabetes, becoming a National Premiere Partner for both events. The successful transformation of these critical fundraisers in 2020 would not have been possible without the support of our corporate partners.
As the global pandemic continued to create uncertainty for charities as well as corporations alike, Abbott moved beyond just sponsoring JDRF fundraising events, helping us to promote our Ride and Walk and attract new supporters. They also partnered with us to deliver our Let’s Talk T1D community events, which allowed us to ensure the continuity of connection for our T1D community across the country, when it was needed the most.
Abbott has also been a supporter of JDRF’s advocacy and community outreach, as we work to ensure that we are moving the needle forward towards universal coverage of diabetes devices and other advocacy efforts, including #AccessForAll. With their flash glucose monitoring device, the Freestyle Libre, (and now Freestyle Libre 2), the T1D community has more choice in blood glucose monitoring technology. It is for this reason why JDRF continues to advocate for access to equitable coverage and patient choice.
Abbott’s support, along with those of other organizations and individuals have helped us to work alongside volunteers to do important and independent outreach to provincial governments.
JDRF thanks Abbott for their continued commitment to improving the lives of people living with type 1 diabetes today, and for helping us to invest in the research that will one day lead to a cure.
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