Kids For A Cure
Held every two years, Kids For a Cure is JDRF Canada’s most important advocacy event. This event is held to ensure the voices of our type 1 diabetes (T1D) community are heard at the government decision-making table. Kids For a Cure brings togethers our incredible youth advocates from across the country to share their personal stories of what it is like to live with T1D and allow government officials to better understand the daily challenges of this relentless disease, while emphasizing the importance of accelerating progress towards a cure.
During the week of November 2nd, delegates joined JDRF for its bi-annual Kids For a Cure Lobby Day. Due to COVID-19, the 2020 event was held virtually, but that did not stop kids across Canada from raising awareness about the daily challenges of T1D with 167 Members of Parliament and Senators.
We concurrently supported through our social media platforms, for a total of 34 posts that resulted in:
38,976 Impressions
4 Replies
49 Clickthroughs
2.31% Total Engagement Rate
Throughout the week, our youth ambassadors shared their personal stories of what it is like to live with T1D, the importance of improving access to new drugs and devices in order to better aid those who live with the disease and the need for more research funding to get us closer to cures.
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