Type 1 diabetes (T1D) has significantly changed my life as a parent. I constantly worry about the health of my daughter far more than before the diagnosis. I have more knowledge about the human body and nutrition values of food.
I feel I had to become a T1D nurse overnight and become part of her support system. It is particularly important to have a good support system of family and friends.
People have the perception that after the diagnosis and consulting the medical team, T1D is under control. They do not understand that it is a daily task to maintain control. We need to accelerate the pace of T1D research to give a better quality of life to the people living with T1D and potentially avoid future diagnoses.
For me, a cure would mean that my daughter would not have to worry about her blood sugar levels 24h/7. She could be out with her friends without having to think about her level of activity and what she is eating etc. And of course, I would worry much less when she goes out with her friends.
My message to other parents of newly diagnosed T1D children is after the shock of the diagnosis and the overwhelming time of learning everything, it is important to accept that this condition is now part of your child’s life and family. Acceptance is key to keep going, especially on the days where we are completely discouraged.
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