By Pivoting to Virtual Fundraising Events and Innovative Ways to Give
Beyond Insulin:
In 2021, Beyond Insulin donors gave $61,500, of which $45,800 will directly support Dr. Michael Sefton’s (University of Toronto) research into vascular regenerative biomaterial (MAA) for islet transplantation.
Monthly Giving:
Monthly donors contributed nearly $145,000 in 2021. Our longest-standing monthly donors have been contributing for 20 years.
Annual Giving:
There were just over 16,000 annual donations made in 2021.
Special events:
$0.5M raised at the BC-wide Virtual Gala
$0.3M raised at the Starry Starry Night Gala (MB/AB)
$1.9M raised in the Sun Life Ride to Defeat Diabetes for JDRF virtual edition with over 4,300 participants
$2.7M raised in the Sun Life Walk to Cure Diabetes for JDRF with over 3,500 participants
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