Anne Pettigrew, Etobicoke, ON Diagnosed Age 11
Anne Pettigrew is a 15-year-old volunteer who has worked with JDRF since her diagnosis.
She is a JDRF Youth Ambassador and National Youth Champion who has continually supported JDRF in any way that she can - through community engagement, advocacy, and raising awareness for type 1 diabetes (T1D).
Anne has done tremendous work and is an extremely active volunteer, including delivering presentations at Queen’s Park, speaking engagements for Access for All, and launching – The 100 Project, which engaged 100 Canadian companies to donate $100, raising almost $10,000 this year!
She has done countless videos expressing the daily challenges of this disease, including leading a Let’s Talk T1D video speaking openly and honestly about diabetes distress and the emotional challenges of living with T1D during the pandemic.
Anne has spoken with newly diagnosed children and teens about staying positive. She has also led groups of 20 young delegates to the steps of Parliament to demand free access to technology and diabetes supplies for all Canadians, as a co-chair for Kids For a Cure.
In her spare time, Anne is an accomplished student, writer, motivational speaker, singer-song writer, and trainer for her T1D support dog, Belle.
JDRF thanks Anne for being such a recognizable face of the young T1D community and for dedicating so much time and effort to improving lives today while we work towards cures for tomorrow.