Fundraising Their Own Way
Mike’s Bike Shop
Mike LeBlanc, and Mike’s Bike Shop cycling club from New Brunswick raised over $11,067 in their ‘Cyclebetes Ride to Cure Type 1 Diabetes’. It is an annual, non-competitive one-day bike ride in support of JDRF.
Mike's Bike Shop cycling club has been raising money for JDRF since 2007. What first started as a ride from Moncton to Fredericton to support a national relay called H2V eventually became MBS Cyclebetes in 2008.
The MBS Cyclebetes Ride to Cure Type 1 Diabetes is a fully supported, non-competitive (Grand Fondo style) one-day bike ride. Each rider can choose their ride distance beginning at 45 kms up to 200 kms.
100% of all proceeds go directly to JDRF to help fund diabetes research. In 2020 and 2021 Mike pivoted his event to a virtual ride with great success. He raised over $11K and has raised close to $250,000 since 2007.
Kraay Family Farm Corn Maze
To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the discovery of insulin and recognize JDRF, the Kraay Family Farm corn maze featured an insulin bottle with the years 1921-2021 written within a Canadian maple leaf.
The family has a personal connection to type 1 diabetes, as their daughter lives with the disease. The family was excited to work with JDRF to raise awareness about T1D and the need to fund the research needed to make the disease easier to manage while working towards a cure.
Through admissions to the corn maze, the Kraay Family Farm raised over $10,000.
Thank you to everyone who volunteered, fundraised, supported and made JDRF’s events so successful in another pandemic year. We could not be more grateful.
A special year of fundraising events supported by incredible community volunteers.
Thank you!
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