Sun Life Ride to Defeat Diabetes for JDRF
The Sun Life Ride to Defeat Diabetes for JDRF took place on October 7, 2021. For the second straight year, the Ride was a virtual event that offered a fun corporate team building experience.
735 teams from more than 160 Canadian companies joined us to Spin, Sweat or Stretch throughout the day.
Close to $2 million was raised at this year’s Ride to support T1D research. By participating in the Ride, you brought us closer to turning type one into type none.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our sponsors, who helped make the Ride a success, allowing us to raise much-needed funds for T1D research. With their support, we were also able to offer an incredible day of high energy workouts and music, showcase inspirational stories through videos and speakers, and provide more resources for T1D families.
Sun Life is a longtime supporter of both JDRF signature fundraising events, and in 2018 and 2019 they became the national title sponsors of the Walk and Ride respectively. Sun Life is committed to supporting the over 422 million people worldwide living with the disease.
The pandemic has made holding our signature events more challenging, but our supporters once again came through. It is the hope that in-person events can be held once more in 2022 and beyond, but we are so grateful to our donors, volunteers and corporate sponsors who helped us to maintain our momentum and success of these important fundraisers.
Team Sutherland
Michael Sutherland, who up until his retirement in 2021 worked as a Market VP for CIBC, was the tireless leader of Team Sutherland. Personally affected by diabetes (he lives with type 2), he is committed to advancing the most promising research in the hopes that it will positively impact people living with all forms of diabetes.
Since 2005, Michael along with his Team Sutherland has raised over $260K for JDRF. When the Ride went virtual in 2020 and 2021, Michael was undaunted - incredibly bringing in close to $54K in 2020 and $34K in 2021.
He has been a stalwart participant of the The Sun Life Ride to Defeat Diabetes for JDRF. JDRF thanks him for inspiring his CIBC colleagues to come together in support of the T1D community.

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