Sun Life Walk to Cure Diabetes for JDRF
The 2021 Sun Life Walk to Cure Diabetes for JDRF, held in June, brought together Canadians from coast-to-coast to raise funds to accelerate the pace of type 1 diabetes (T1D) research.
We were excited to have had members of the T1D and Walk community come together in a brand new, Virtual Walk Environment, where they could mingle with friends old and new, explore our sponsor fair, and check out the Walk grounds as if they were there in person.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our sponsors, who helped make the Walk a success, allowing us to support the most promising T1D research. With their support, we were also able to offer an incredible day filled with entertainment, special guests, inspirational stories, and resources for T1D families.
Walk Team Emerson Myers
“Heroes come in all sizes. I know because my daughter is one. So many things make each day a risky venture when you live with type 1 diabetes and Emerson overcomes these challenges daily. She is amazing and demonstrates more strength and perseverance than I could ever hope to” – these are the words of Stephanie Myers about her daughter Emerson who has been living with type 1 diabetes since she was three years old.
As a family, they live with diabetes 24/7/365 – they don’t get to relax and forget about food, whether Emerson has exercised too much or too little, insulin injections, blood sugar testing or the impact of stress, a head cold, a sunburn, etc. Despite constant attention, Emerson still runs the risk of dangerously high or low blood sugar levels, both of which can be life threatening. It is this that has driven the family to fundraise for JDRF until the day when Emerson needs never worry about any of it again.
Led by mom Stephanie Myers, this team hosted their own community Walk in Calgary, raising almost $23k in 2021, and having raised over $100k since they started walking more than 10 years ago.
Knowing that the Walk would be virtual again, but looking to increase opportunities to fundraise, the family held a socially distanced and Covid safe block party with family and friends. Participants held driveway parties and the family even brought in food trucks. The Emerson Myers community event created safe connections and we are so thankful for their commitment, ingenuity, creativity, and efforts on behalf of their T1D community.

Please note that this Team Emerson Myers photo is from the 2022 Walk
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