Plan your legacy
Your legacy can help accelerate breakthroughs and work towards cures. You share Breakthrough T1D’s vision of a world without type 1 diabetes (T1D) and understand that research is costly and takes time. By making a planned gift to Breakthrough T1D, you are making an investment for the future for everyone affected by T1D.

About legacy giving
A planned gift is a lasting statement of your generosity and care. It is your opportunity to say that you believe in a future free of type 1 diabetes.

Name Breakthrough T1D in your will
A future free from T1D is within our grasp. Including a gift to Breakthrough T1D in your will is a powerful way to ensure the research continues until we achieve our vision of a world without T1D.

Recognizing your gift
To recognize your generous support of Breakthrough T1D with a gift in your estate plans, we will welcome you as a member of our BETA Society. The BETA Society honours visionary individuals who have made a lasting commitment to Breakthrough T1D. Your leadership provides present and future financial support needed for T1D research. With your membership, you will receive regular updates from Breakthrough T1D along with invitations to our special events. Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to recognize your dedication and support.
How to leave a legacy
- Charitable Bequest (leave a gift in your Will)
- RRSP / RRIF Funds
- Gifts of Securities & Flow-Thru Shares
- Life Insurance
- Charitable Gift Annuity
Request more information
To learn more, please fill out a request for information, or contact:
Toll-free: 1.877.287.3533
Charitable Number: 11897 6604 RR0001