November 20, 2020

This exclusive group, created to provide stable funding to researchers, offers a first-time opportunity for donors to fund the research they believe in most.
Beyond Insulin™ members who make a minimum 2-year pledged commitment of $500 or more, per year, will be the first to hear about new research and treatment trials and take part in a JDRF first: the opportunity to choose, as a group, which research to accelerate.
Research is what will change lives for those living with T1D, like David. At 33-years-old, David was diagnosed with T1D. Thanks to JDRF, he had the opportunity to immediately enrol in a JDRF-funded research trial: Dr. Jan Dutz was conducting a study to see if ustekinumab, a drug that is already approved to treat other chronic diseases including Crohn’s disease, might slow the progression of T1D in people with a new diagnosis. To David’s excitement and relief, the treatment worked.
For the first two years after his diagnosis, David didn’t use insulin. This was monumental, because it slowed the pace of his diabetes and gave him valuable time to adjust to living with T1D. But the drug didn’t cure David’s T1D. After two years, he required insulin and continues to use it to manage his condition.
In 2019, JDRF invested $8.1 million into T1D research in Canada, a 5% increase over 2018. Thirty seven cutting edge projects and clinical trials were supported in Canada. Globally, 180+ new research grants were awarded for the world’s most promising studies.
Research towards a cure is accelerating at incredible speed. While a lifesaving and lifechanging treatment, we recognize that there is a need to move beyond insulin. JDRF is proud to be at the forefront of this movement.
Please consider becoming a member of Beyond Insulin. Membership will allow us to push T1D research forward faster and help to change the lives of thousands affected by T1D.