Breakthrough T1D Blog

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To our community and our partners: Thank you

We are incredibly grateful to our partners, and the entire T1D community for their commitment and support as we work together to move type 1 diabetes research forward faster than ever. 

Updates from the Teplizumab Trial: You’re Not Going to Believe the Results

Last year, at the American Association for Diabetes (ADA) Scientific Sessions, a drug, called teplizumab, was able to significantly delay—for over two years—the onset of type 1 diabetes (T1D) in participants with a high risk of developing the disease. This was the first ever study in humans to show a delay in the onset of T1D. But it doesn’t stop there. JDRF has very promising updated results.

Virtual care for T1D during the COVID-19 pandemic – and beyond

The type 1 diabetes (T1D) community has always embraced new technology – with insulin pumps, continuous glucose monitors (CGMs), flash glucose monitors (FGMs), and a variety of T1D-focused apps rapidly becoming essential tools for many people. It’s no surprise, then, that the T1D community has quickly adapted to accessing healthcare virtually.

In-Home Test Kits Make Screening Convenient and Easy

TrialNet—an international JDRF-supported network of leading academic institutions, endocrinologists, physicians, scientists and healthcare teams dedicated to finding cures for type 1 diabetes (T1D)—has a new in-home test kit that makes screening far easier and more convenient and at no cost to you!

How is COVID-19 Affecting T1D Research?

Knowing that many research institutes are closed or have temporarily diverted staff or resources to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are now asking the question: What does this mean for T1D research?

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