When I was first diagnosed, my monster was really scary. It felt like a big, dark shadow lurking around me all the time. But once we learned to use the tools to manage the monster, he became much less scary.
I think that my monster sometimes leaves me alone. On those days, everything is normal and it’s almost like I don’t have diabetes at all. But most days it shadows me.
My monster is very moody and hard to keep happy. The monster never goes away and managing it is a full time job. We need to find a cure so kids can be kids.
Living with the T1D monster can be challenging, but I’ve learned what I need to do throughout my days at school or when I am out playing hockey with my teammates.
Living with a type 1 diabetes monster is very difficult to deal with and needs lots of attention but I choose to fight everyday so that I don’t let it take over my life.
It can sometimes be difficult having to remember to give myself insulin and prepare for every meal. The T1D monster can be managed but it can lose control.
Diabetes is exhausting because there is no end date or time when I can relax and not think about my blood sugar. I have to constantly manage it to stay alive – every hour of every day for the rest of my life.